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Low Carbon Transportation

38% of potential reductions

More than 60% of San Rafael’s community emissions comes from transportation. While improvements in fuel efficiency have driven emissions down over the past several years, vehicle miles traveled starting and/or ending in San Rafael have gone up. And despite improvements in the bicycle and pedestrian network and public information campaigns, there hasn’t been much increase in people taking transit, carpooling, biking or walking. If there was one area you could really make a difference it’s in Transportation!


1. Bike, walk or take transit whenever possible.

2. Drive an all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle.

charging electric car

Not sure if an electric car is right for you?
Need help getting started?


3. Shut your car off when waiting in line at the ATM or school pick up/drop off lane.

8 Reasons to Not Idle Your Car

4. Walk or bike to school.

Safe Routes to School
Start a Walk n Roll Program at your School

Great products abound and they are cheaper to run, plus little-to-no maintenance!

Want to learn more about all your options in a fun, group setting? Check out these classes and programs!

What is the City of San Rafael Going to Do to Help?

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