Energy Efficiency

19% of potential reductions

Increasing the efficiency of buildings is often the most cost-effective approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency upgrades, such as adding insulation and sealing heating ducts, have demonstrated energy savings of up to 20 percent, while more aggressive “whole house” retrofits can result in even greater energy savings. Many “low-hanging fruit” improvements can be made inexpensively and without remodeling yet can be extremely cost-efficient, such as swapping out incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs, sealing air leaks, and installing a programmable thermostat.  Energy Star-certified appliances and office equipment, high-efficiency heating and air conditioning systems, and high-efficiency windows not only save energy but reduce operating costs in the long run. Nonetheless, some upgrades can be expensive, particularly for low-income households, so the City participates in programs that provide rebates, free energy audits, and financing options for residents and businesses.




1. Replace indoor and outdoor lights with LED bulbs, and turn them off when not in use.

2. Have an energy assessment done for your home or business.

3. Upgrade insulation, seal leaks, and install a programmable thermostat.

4. Purchase Energy Star appliances and equipment.

5. Unplug electronic appliances when not in use and set the thermostat to use less heat and air conditioning.

What is the City of San Rafael Going to Do to Help?

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