Our Plan

What’s the Climate Change Action Plan?  

The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) is a tool the City of San Rafael has created to develop the programs and actions needed to reduce our City’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), the pollutants that cause climate change. San Rafael’s Climate Change Action plan focuses on mitigation, steps we can take as a community to reduce the effects of Climate Change. 

San Rafael doesn’t exist in a vacuum. While we are leveraging or trying to combat regional, state-wide, national and even international actions and trends, we also have the ability and responsibility to collaborate with other efforts and campaigns. The measures contained in our Climate Change Action Plan are designed to support and implement the Six Pillars and the goals of California’s 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan on a local level as well as tie into the County of Marin’s plan for climate adaptation, DRAWDOWN:Marin.

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