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Sequestration and Adaptation

California is already experiencing the effects of climate change. Every year, it seems like the news gets grimmer: more wildfires, more heat waves, longer droughts, more intense storms, less snow pack, and less fresh water. Annual average air temperatures have already increased by about 1.8 °F in California, and that number will likely double even if the world can reduce emissions 80% by 2050. San Rafael needs to be prepared for the likely impacts of climate change, including flooding from more intense storms and sea level rise, health impacts from heat exposure and poor air quality, and safety risks from the increased likelihood of wildfires and landslides.


1. Plant trees appropriate to your situation.

2. Add compost to your soil.

3. Purchase carbon offsets for airplane flights and other emissions that are difficult to mitigate.

4. Find out if your home or business is vulnerable to sea level rise.

What is the City of San Rafael Going to Do to Help?

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