Waste Reduction – San Rafael Climate Action https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org Wed, 16 Sep 2020 23:33:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-Untitled-6-32x32.gif Waste Reduction – San Rafael Climate Action https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org 32 32 Recyclery: Recycling More Than Bikes https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/recyclery-recycling-more-than-bikes/ Wed, 16 Sep 2020 17:04:49 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=975 The ReCyclery, located at 610 4th St in San Rafael, has been refurbishing and reselling donated bikes since 1994 and using the income to support their powerful youth programs—Trail Rides, Earn-A-Bike, and Mobile Bike Workshops. Since their inception, they’ve prevented over 21,000 bicycles from being sent to the landfill and have taken over 40,000 Bay Area kids on trail rides in local, state, and national parks. But their devotion to the environment and the local community doesn’t stop there.  

Any bicycles that aren’t lucky enough to find a local owner are donated to organizations such as Performing Stars that have used the old bikes as art pieces in the victory gardens at Bayside MLK Academy. The bike shop has even found creative uses for old inner tubes and other bicycle parts by turning them into “fidget-bands” for their more excitable students. Lastly, the Recyclery shop upcycles old boxes and flyers as packaging materials for their online store shipments. Recyclery’s inspiring efforts show they’ve taken the reduce, reuse, and recycle model to heart.  

If you’re interested in supporting this truly sustainable climate role model, be sure to check them out in store at 610 4th St (yes, they’re open!) or online at https://www.tripsforkidsmarin.org/ 

Rethinking waste for my child’s future https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/rethinking-waste-for-my-childs-future/ Mon, 16 Dec 2019 21:09:43 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=896 Working for Levi Strauss & Co. as an assistant fashion designer, I went to China a few times, and it changed my perspective on the fashion industry. I had no idea on the extent of its waste. Later, I became a stay-at-home mom, and while researching mom questions, I discovered cloth diapering. I learned about the impact of disposable diapers, which blew my mind. It felt wrong to know that I was contributing to the enormous amount of diapers in the landfill. When my baby was six months, I tried cloth diapers, and I committed to a zero-waste lifestyle because I did not want to leave a huge problem for my kids to clean up. Since then, I have done more research on the chemicals in household products, and I am now creating my own lotions, cleaning solutions, and oils.  When I go grocery shopping, I buy from farmers markets and in bulk, reducing plastic as much as possible. It takes planning to be zero-waste, but there is so much information online that can help. In the end, it’s all about slowing down and re-thinking that a “go-go-go” lifestyle is good for us. Slowing down gives more results and is most fulfilling. Sara Romero, San Rafael

A sustainable brewery and gathering space https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/a-sustainable-brewery-and-gathering-space/ Tue, 12 Nov 2019 23:55:15 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=866 We try to be as sustainable as possible. We are diligent about sourcing locally, reducing energy and water use, and reducing waste whenever feasible. We participate in the Marin Sanitary Service Food to Energy project, which turns food waste into energy at the Central Marin Sanitation Agency. We also compost plates and food waste from the food pop-ups every evening when they’re cooking from 4-9pm. Our employees get it, our customers demand it, and it’s in our blood. Trevor Martens, Co-Owner and Master Brewer at Pond Farm Brewing Co.

Our clients appreciate our green ethic https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/our-clients-appreciate-our-green-ethic/ Wed, 31 Jul 2019 22:09:15 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=405 VenturePad made the choice to use energy efficient appliances in their business. Not only do they save money, they are contributing to a healthy environment. They also have created a Zero Waste Kitchen. They can reuse or recycle everything in the kitchen, and they save money by not purchasing single-use dish and serving-ware. They suggest businesses do some research and see what appliances can be replaced with energy efficient ones. “Get a dishwasher and durable plates, cups, and silverware and watch your trash bill go down. Modeling green behavior pays off in many ways; your customers and clients will appreciate it.” Chris Yalonis and Alejandro Moreno, VenturePad. 

Convert food to energy & donate to those in need https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/convert-food-to-energy-donate-to-those-in-need/ Wed, 24 Jul 2019 22:50:02 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=340 Andy’s Local Market has cut their landfill waste by 33%! Much of this is food waste, which is converted into energy at the Central Marin Sanitation Agency. This is a super easy, environmentally friendly process, and food-based businesses can sign up through Marin Sanitary Service. In addition, Andy’s also sells fresh squeezed orange juice in reusable bottles that can be brought back to the store, and donates unused food to local nonprofits like ExtraFood.org. Andy’s has not only reduced its landfill waste in an easy, cheap way, but people recognize them for their community contributions, which has built strong customer loyalty. Andy Bachich, San Rafael business-owner.

Donate your leftover food! https://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/donate-your-leftover-food/ Wed, 24 Jul 2019 22:26:24 +0000 http://sanrafaelclimateaction.org/?p=336 Arizmendi Bakery has donated lots of their leftover healthy and edible food to ExtraFood.org, where it is given to people who are less fortunate. Instead of throwing away your food, donate it! In addition to feeding the poor, it helps reduce landfill waste. Arizmendi has reduced its landfill waste by 60%! The inedible food in their compost bins is picked up by Marin Sanitary Service, and then transported offsite and used to create energy! Follow Arizmendi’s example, and donate food, while reducing your waste! Natalie Baddorf, part-owner, Arizmendi.
